Success Stories

Lexus Enriches Engagement of Multicultural Car Buyers

Amobee uncovers meaningful insights that fuels audience discovery

Lexus Case Study
  • Identify emerging trends in consumer auto purchasing behaviors.
  • Leverage disparate data sources to improve understanding of multicultural auto purchasers.
  • Adapt targeting strategy that better aligns with evolved consumer behavior.
  • Extend reach and improve engagement of multicultural auto consumers.
  • Harness robust data signals to uncover shifts in auto purchase behaviors of multicultural consumers.
  • Synthesize the impact of consumer touchpoints and market trends to reveal meaningful insights.
  • Create deeper segmentation to enhance relevance and customize messaging.
  • Apply learnings to refine multicultural strategies to inform future campaigns.


Increase on conversions


Decrease of cost per acquisition


digital engagements analyzed daily

Lexus and their agency Walton Isaacson required a technology partner that could take their rich brand consumer data with real-time market intelligence to uncover meaningful insights into the trends and purchase behaviors of multicultural consumers.

Amobee Brand Intelligence analyzed over 60 billion digital content engagements each day to ascertain the purchase behaviors and trends of multicultural audiences. The results presented a significant uptick of engagement with content for contactless car purchases during the past 12 months. Next, Amobee provided a granular demographic breakdown that included the race, sex, age, and income. This enabled Lexus and Walton Isaacson to achieve deeper audience segmentation of their targeting tactics to further enhance relevance and drive campaign effectiveness.

Through this exercise, Lexus and Walton Isaacson extended campaign reach to multicultural car-buyers and achieved a 30% increase on conversions while driving down their cost per acquisition by 17%. Additionally, they can now apply these insights for future strategic and tactical activation that’s optimized for meaningful consumer engagement.

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