Segment Builder Best Practices

The below Segment Builder guide is a list of best practices for utilizing a DSP. If you’re an Amobee DSP client, please visit our Help Center for more tips and tricks.
- Ensure scale: Check that the segment has enough unique users. While Amobee recommends a minimum of 100K targetable unique users, aiming for any number of unique users between 500K–1M is ideal.
- Reach mobile audiences: If you are targeting a segment on mobile apps, be sure to include data categories from mobile data partners that provide device IDs (e.g., Mobilewalla, Lifesight, AlikeAudience, Lotame Mobile).
- Save data cost: Sort categories by data cost to maximize cost efficiencies. If you use the OR rule, then sort your data from least expensive to most expensive.
- Forecast by format: Forecast your segment’s unique user reach by format (display/ video/audio) for more accurate forecasting and planning.
- Favorite (i.e., bookmark) data contracts/providers: Save time by filtering segments from key data contracts/providers within your markets that have been favorited in the Segment Builder.
- Select Amobee as the only media provider if you want to use data that can only be used by the Amobee DSP. By selecting another media provider, you will not see this data as you build rules.
- Follow segment limits: You can have a maximum of 100 rules per segment. Each rule can only contain 5000 categories. Keywords can have an unlimited number of characters per keyword.
- Note the CPM currency: The CPM value for all rules and forecasting converts to US dollars ($), irrespective of the original currency of the rate card’s pricing fee listed for the data contract or the data provider.
- Exclude one or more categories in the Segment Builder by using the AND statement. For example, Exclude (audience A) AND (audience B) = Excluding audience A or B.
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