Learn about Open Auctions & Publisher Deals
The below faqs are a list of answers about Amobee Auctions & Publisher Deals. If you’re an Amobee DSP client, please visit our Help Center for more tips and tricks.
Frequently asked questions about Open Auctions & Publisher Deals on the Amobee DSP
What are first and second price auctions?
In a first price auction, the auction winner pays the full bid price. For buyers, this is a strategy of bidding the maximum of what they are willing to pay. This type of auction maximizes profits for publishers, and can get expensive for the buyer if proper strategy is not used. In a second price auction, the auction winner pays the second highest bid price plus $0.01.
Which formats are supported by DOOH?
Display and video formats are both supported.
What kind of targeting is available through DOOH?
Only geographic and daypart targeting are available for DOOH on the Amobee Platform. All other targeting, including venue targeting, must be set up with the partner directly.
What inventory does Amobee’s programmatic DOOH solution use?
Vistar and Place Exchange.
Vistar SSP enables omnichannel DSPs to leverage data and automation to transact against the full breadth of the DOOH ecosystem.
Place Exchange’s patented technology delivers DSP workflows that unify OOH with other media, support for standard online and mobile creatives (display & video), impression-level data, and granular device-level attribution.
Can you apply frequency caps to DOOH?
DOOH does not allow for frequency capping, even if one is applied on an IO.
Learn more about Insertion Orders (IO).
How does frequency control work when DOOH components are set up with ads/campaigns in other (standard, non-DOOH) environments under the same IO?
Frequency control would only impact the standard display/video/audio products. For DOOH delivery, user & device identifiers are received often hours after the ad renders and only for a small percentage of exposed users. Any delivery that is able to be matched to a user would be incorporated into the frequency cap evaluations for future bidding in other environments.
Learn more about Insertion Orders (IO).
How can I prevent discrepancy or delivery issues due to currency conversion rates for deals?
Amobee reads and responds to bid requests with the deal currency provided in the request. Conversion rates are updated once daily and are used until the next update. Spend is always logged as USD in DataMine. If a deal is entered in a different currency than the currency in a bid request, the Amobee Platform will deliver as long as the bid price clears the floor price after accounting for the exchange rate.
It's best to use the same currency for all interactions (e.g., the currency set on the publisher's end, the currency set in the Amobee Platform, and the currency set for billing), as any small discrepancy in exchange rates could prevent delivery when the bid price is slightly below the floor price. Publisher deal metadata shows the floor price and currency in the bid request. Deal Health troubleshooting tools list any such issues in Deal Diagnostics.
If a setup with different currencies is unavoidable, then it's best to set floor prices and bids to be slightly higher on the Amobee Platform. You can inflate the floor price of the deal by $0.10-0.25, which will force any packages/line items targeting the deal to have a slightly higher suggested bid price.
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