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The below faqs are a list of answers about Amobee Audiences. If you’re an Amobee DSP client, please visit our Help Center for more tips and tricks.
Frequently asked questions about Audiences on the Amobee DSP
Is there an inventory management/forecasting tool on the Amobee DSP?
The Amobee Platform has a built-in feature called Bid Forecaster allowing you to forecast audience reach and campaign spending for various targeting criteria and inventory sources across all channels.
Amobee's Bid Forecaster updates in real-time and accurately reflects changes made to campaign targeting and parameters.
With the forecasting functionality, you can get an accurate estimate of unique users for packages and line items and quickly determine if a package or line item will deliver against the desired criteria, or if you cannot deliver on the given specifications.
The Audience Forecaster calculates and displays the audience count in the segment builder by enabling you to revise and resize your segments. As you change the definition of your audience, the Audience Forecaster will re-compute the number of cookies that match the segment definition in real-time. In addition, the Audience Forecaster displays not only the number of available unique cookies, unique device IDs, unique profiles, etc., but also:
- The percent of audience who are reachable on the display, video, and mobile channels.
- The percent of audience that Amobee has cookie-synced with integrated partners.
- The percent of audience that have historically been served impressions by integrated partners.
These metrics help you understand how reachable your segments will be, and how your campaigns will scale once launched.
With the Amobee Platform, you can:
View reach and availability across all integrated media providers.
Additionally, the Audience Forecaster takes into account a statically significant sample of lost bid information creating a universal forecast which illustrates the actual true reach or “find-ability” of the segment that has been created. This type of universal forecasting is only possible because the Amobee DMP sits on the same cookie footprint as the Amobee DSP. This provides analysis on audience reach and scalability during the audience design process with any media provider.
Amobee Platform provides a People-Based Forecast- allowing you to plan at the person, household, or device level.
Can I migrate data from one market to another market in Audiences?
You can only migrate certain types of data from one market to another. This following data can or cannot be migrated:
- Market-level data cannot be migrated because the market ID is different.
- An advertiser can be moved between markets. If an advertiser is first created in Audiences and later mapped in Campaigns, the advertiser needs to be moved in both places. Moving an advertiser in Audiences does not automatically move it in Campaigns.
- Any data at the contract or advertiser level can be migrated.
- First-party data contracts and Flextag data contracts can be migrated from one market to another. All previous data is migrated and will be available for use in the new market, for such things as Audience Insights reporting.
Amobee Support Engineering (TSE) script handles the migration for AlwaysOn data.
How does attribution work within Audiences?
When purchasing data from multiple data providers using Audiences, accurate impression attribution is important. Audiences supports multiple contract types and manages impression attribution per data contract.
Data contracts differ in rate type, with several different payment agreements. The attribution process in Audiences supports many different contract types and assigns credit for each impression to the appropriate data provider by contract.
Data Contract Rate Types
Each advertiser can have multiple data contracts with many providers set up in Audiences. Some of the properties for these data contracts include which data provider the contract belongs to and the rate types. The following table lists all possible rate types that can be used in a contract between advertisers and data providers, and how attribution works for each type.
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