Recent articles by Amobee
Forward Thinking, Perspectives
How Automation Is Changing the Marketer’s Role
There’s never been more pressure for marketers to know the ins and outs of every part of the marketing process–from analyzing metrics to coming up with Cannes Lions-winning creative ideas.
July 19, 2017
Data & Insights, Forward Thinking, Perspectives
Why Linear TV Budgets Are Migrating to Digital
Primetime ratings for the last year's Olympic Games fell 33% for adults aged 18 to 49. As with NFL games and awards shows, people weren’t watching the events unfold live. Rather, they were watching the highlights on their phones and tablets.
July 13, 2017
Forward Thinking, Perspectives
How Programmatic Revolutionized Catalog Marketing
Even decades-old companies with well-earned customer confidence and near iconic status are realizing that if they don’t take advantage of the digital landscape they risk missed opportunities and loss of market share.
June 27, 2017
Forward Thinking, Perspectives
Research Shows There’s an Age Divide in Video Ad Opinions
Research shows that not all agency execs are on the same page regarding digital video advertising, top marketing publications report.
June 9, 2017
Report: Amobee’s ‘Strong Performing’ DMP Delivers for Marketers
Forrester’s 2017 DMP Wave report recognizes Turn as a strong performer in the data management platform space.
June 1, 2017
Key Report Calls Amobee a DSP Leader
At Turn, we encourage clients to exercise due diligence. When you’re looking to buying a new car, you can’t rely only on car buying guides alone; you have to kick the tires and take the car for a test drive. You ask around and see what your friends think. Marketers should do this, too.
May 30, 2017
Data & Insights
Inside HP’s ‘Incredibly Powerful’ Marketing Insights Machine
Alex Kantrowitz, Senior Technology Reporter, BuzzFeed News, and Sachin Puri, Digital Marketing, Strategy & Operations, HP, met at Turn's Wake Up Your Data event to discuss the intersection of data and strategy.
May 24, 2017
Top Marketers’ Advice on Getting Started with Data
Where do you start as you’re trying to transform your marketing organization into one driven by data? Matt Westover, vp-product marketing, Turn, led a session with top brand and agency marketers on the topic at the Gartner Digital Marketing Conference in San Diego.
May 12, 2017
Data & Insights
Game Changer: How Amobee Helped a CPG Brand Bridge Online and Offline Faster
The Wall Street Journal reported CPG companies like Constellation usually have to wait up to 12 weeks for data vendors to send reports on how digital ads are driving purchases. Working with Turn, Constellation was able to get data every two weeks or so and adjust its campaigns on the fly. Optimizing the ads boosted sales 49% in December and 55% in January.
April 27, 2017
Company Updates
Amobee Completes Acquisition of Turn
April 10, 2017
Our Quest for Truth in Advertising Is Just Beginning
At the core of our mission is the knowledge that all marketers are on a quest for truth.
April 7, 2017
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